As required in New York State Public Health Law, all individuals designated as laboratory directors or assistant directors at a clinical laboratory or blood bank holding or applying for a New York State clinical laboratory permit must hold a Certificate of Qualification in the required category(ies).
If the individual designated as the laboratory director does not qualify for a Certificate of Qualification in each permit category, the director must designate one or more individuals who hold a Certificate in the required category(ies) to serve as director for the category(ies).
An individual may serve as director or sole certificate holder (a.k.a., sole director) for a permit category for no more than two clinical laboratories and/or blood banks. If the laboratory and blood bank are located on the same premises, this may be considered as one directorship. Assistant Directorships (provided the individual is not the sole certificate holder for a permit category) and directorships of Limited Service Laboratories are not included in the two-site limit. A waiver from this regulatory requirement is available, send inquiry to[24].
The eligibility of a laboratory to obtain approval to perform testing is dependent on the scope of the laboratory director’s Certificate of Qualification. Laboratory directors and assistant directors must indicate the hours they will serve on-site, and the adequacy of these hours will be evaluated commensurate with the laboratory workload, scope and complexity of test procedures, qualifications of on-site personnel, and availability of alternate monitoring and communication capabilities.
Temporary absences of the laboratory director, or sole certificate holder for a category, of greater than or equal to three weeks must be reported to the Program and an individual with a Certificate of Qualification in the appropriate category(ies) must be identified to provide coverage in the director’s absence.