Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Health Commerce System

Health Commerce System

The Health Commerce System (HCS)[1] is the secure website for web-based interactions with the New York State Department of Health which includes eCLEP, the application tool for clinical laboratories to submit changes to the laboratory's operations, complete the annual permit reapplication process, review and respond to laboratory survey reports and designate proficiency testing enrollment. 

Every individual accessing the Health Commerce System must have their own HCS account. Sharing of an account user id and password is a violation of the security user agreement, which will result in a termination of your HCS account privileges and possible prosecution if data security is compromised because of the violation.

NOTE: All changes in clinical laboratory directorship must be made through eCLEP. A request to change the director role for the laboratory affiliation record using the HCS Coordinator Tools function does not constitute official notification. If the clinical laboratory is unable to access eCLEP to report a director change, CLEP must be contacted immediately by emailing[2].

Access to eCLEP

eCLEP is the application tool for clinical laboratories to submit changes to the laboratory's operations, complete the annual permit reapplication process, review and respond to laboratory survey reports and designate proficiency testing enrollment. 

Access to eCLEP is a multi-step process. 

  • First you must obtain and affiliate an HCS Account. 

  • Coordinators and general Users must then request access to eCLEP. 

  • Please carefully follow the instructions for Directors, Coordinators and general Users in the Accessing eCLEP section below. 

Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program (CLEP) Policy:

Laboratory Directors are required to obtain an HCS account and affiliate that account for each clinical laboratory they direct as part of the requirements for a clinical laboratory permit.  If you direct more than one laboratory, you must complete the affiliation process for each laboratory. 

Already have an HCS account?  A Director Affiliation Form will be emailed to you once your eligibility to serve as laboratory director has been confirmed by CLEP. This form must be notarized and mailed in hard copy. Individuals outside the U.S. without access to a notary public must contact us at[3] for alternative instructions. 

Need an HCS Account?  Follow the instructions in the Obtaining an HCS Account section below. 

Not sure if you have an account? Contact the Commerce Accounts Management Unit (CAMU) at 1-866-529-1890 (option1) or[4] to see if you already have an HCS Account.