Published on New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center (

Request Tests

After you have completed enrollment[1], you can follow these steps to request testing:

  1. Log into the Health Commerce System (HCS).[2]
    HCS Login

  2. Open the CLIMS application.

  3. Select ‘Remote Order.’
    remote order

  4. Select either:

    1. “Place Order (DOH-4463)” to order tests via the web interface. For Human Specimens, use the instructions in the Reference Guide - ROE Update[3] user guide as needed. For non-human infectious disease testing (Animal, Food, or Environmental Sample), use the instructions in the “Reference Guide – legacy” user guide on the Remote Order Menu page as needed.

    2. “Upload IDR or COVID Spreadsheet” to use the IDR Spreadsheet Template to bulk upload test orders for multiple patients. Use the instructions in the IDR Spreadsheet Template User Guide[4] as needed.

place order

If you are unable to request tests electronically and need to send a specimen immediately, complete the paper or PDF Infectious Diseases Requisition Form[5]

For additional assistance, review Help and Frequently Asked Questions[6].