How can the New York State Department of Health Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program help you today?
Certificate of Qualification (CQ) Applications
Lab Developed Test (LDT) Approval
On-Site Survey Process / Facility Personnel Form (FPF)
If you need assistance with something else, we encourage you to use the purple menu to the right, or contact the program with a concern.
Program Updates
An Interview with Beverly Rauch: Regulating the Safety and Effectiveness of Clinical Laboratory Testing
Beverly Rauch, Deputy Director of the Division of Laboratory Quality Certification and Director of the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program (CLEP) was a guest on LabMind, an ARUP Laboratories’ education department podcast. Beverly described the history of the NYS CLEP program and discussed how CLEP provides regulatory oversight of clinical laboratories.Click here to read more and listen to the podcast.
An Interview with Beverly Rauch: Regulating the Safety and Effectiveness of Clinical Laboratory Testing
Test Approval
Only laboratories that hold a New York State clinical laboratory permit are authorized to perform testing on specimens originating from New York. Review of laboratory-developed tests (LDT) begins after the clinical laboratory permit application has been submitted. Please refer to our Obtain a Permit page. LDT review is not offered as a stand-alone service.
Test Approval
CLEP Releases LDT Review Data
There is national interest in the Laboratory-Developed Test (LDT) review process implemented by the Clinical Laboratory Evaluation Program (CLEP) of the New York State Department of Health. CLEP has been reviewing LDTs since 1991. Our review process has changed over the years, but our current review policy is described in detail on our website
Under the current policy, a committee of sub
CLEP Releases LDT Review Data
Revised Standards are now available
Revisions to the New York State Clinical Laboratory Standards of Practice are now available, including:
Current Standards
General Systems Standards Effective May 5th, 2021
Specialty Requirements by Category with Microbiology and Pathology Standards of Practice, effective May 2021
Standard Revisions
Revised Standards are now available
New Tool to Search Laboratory Developed Tests
What can this tool do for me?
It can tell you which labs perform a certain test, the name of the labs and where they are located.
You can find tests performed within a given category for each approved lab and which sample type those tests can be performed on.
Explore the new laboratory developed test search tool.
New Tool to Search Laboratory Developed Tests
CLEP Announces New PT Survey Search Tool
A new search tool is available to help laboratories find providers and products that meet NYS proficiency testing (PT) requirements for analytes described in 42 CFR Subparts H and/or I.
Laboratories are required to notify CLEP of their PT enrollment choices each year in the Fall and whenever adding a new analyte to the test menu that is described in CLIA subparts H and/or I.
CLEP Announces New PT Survey Search Tool